I love Fridays, like Saturdays but Sundays I could do without! Sundays always remind me that 1) there aren't enough hours in the weekend to do what I need to do and 2) that Monday is right around the corner!

This weekend I got a decent amount of work done but it is never as much as I'd like to get done! Bad thing about being a mommy first is I have to take care of my mommy duties before I can sit down and sew.

I have been working every day since October 7th so tonight I'm taking the night off and going to bed early. Not going to bed until 1am and then taking care of my son who is teething and not sleeping well all night long has caught up with me. Tomorrow will be Monday and I'll be back to the grind!

Don't forget about the auction for the Pediatric Cancer Foundation going on over at our Facebook page and also be on the look out for "Hookin It by Bella Beanz" to hit their 1000th fan.. Cutie Chewies will be donating two infant chewies to their 1000 fan auction! Why don't you go over and "like" their page and help them get there a little faster?? Go ahead!

Well I am off to bed, tomorrow I'll be hitting the post office to send out some orders and freebies.

Remember that this Friday October 21st is the last day of the 30% off sale for Christmas orders!! Don't miss out on getting your Christmas orders in while I am guaranteeing delivery before Christmas arrives. As we get closer and closer to Christmas it will depend on how many orders I have whether I can promise to have an order finished for beneath the tree, so get them in now at the sale price!!

I'm signing off, go like "Hookin It by Bella Beanz" and I'll see ya'll on the flip-side!

Why don't you leave me some <3 and let me know what sorts of giveaways, contests or prizes you want to see for blog readers!!

It is one of those days I wish I was still in bed, but orders must go out! So I must keep sewing! At least the kids are visiting Grandma and I don't have to worry about trying to sew around them.

While I'm taking my break I just wanted to pop onto the computer real quick and give a little shout out to the auction for the Pediatric Cancer Foundation that is going on over at our facebook page! Its for a great cause and there are a ton of items up for auction that would make awesome Christmas gifts! Several of which are made by yours truly :-)

While you are over there you might want to place a bid, or two, or fifty! There is a contest going on right now that if we break the $600 mark by Sunday night there will be a huge giveaway! Tons of free and discounted stuff will be given away and every bid placed counts as one entry into the drawing! So go over there and place some bids and not only help PCF but you might win some free stuff too!

Just click on the "contact us" tab up top and click the "like us on facebook" button!

Off to sew some more.. Dont forget to answer the poll question I posted yesterday and leave a comment with your email to get a coupon for the new item I'm planning on rolling out within the next week or so!

Have a great day everyone, hopefully the sun is shining where you are cuz it is pretty gloomy here!

Laying here thinking before I doze off for an hour before my son wakes up and I'm wondering.. What do your kids like to travel with? I've been getting tons of new ideas lately and I'm trying to figure out which ones to turn into products and which ones aren't really worth it.

I know my daughter always has a sippy and some sort of snack with her in the car, and on longer trips she loves to color with her color wonder markers.  I'm wondering what some older children like to do, since my daughter is only three.

Leave me a comment telling me what sorts of things you are having to haul with you in the car and what sorts of things you are always finding laying in the backseat :) Might be some coupons in it for you..

Just plugging along here. Working on orders and some new items to debut soon. My son and daughter have been sick so my mommy duties have had to go before my sewing but Friday and Saturday Grandma will have the kids and I'll be working my fingers raw and hope to get at least a few orders out by Monday!

As far as the new items I'll be debuting I have a question to ask (answer the question and post a comment with your email and receive a coupon good towards one of the new items when it is debuted!!:

Just for the readers of this blog! Wacky Wednesday! Right now everything is 30% off except for quilts, but if you are reading this blog and you order within the next 24 hours (10-12-11 @ 1900 EST - 10-13-11 @ 1900 EST) you will get a special surprise with your order. I don't want to give away too much but I'm working on something that will "warm" your heart and sure is "hoot"iful...
I'm not getting much sleep lately between staying up late to sew and my son going through some sort of evil strike on sleep. Being up most the night I've been thinking of new items to make and debut after the start of the year. I've been trying to think what i'd want, well I'm obsessed with purses, so maybe some bags for mom?

I really want to get an embroidery machine and am thinking personalized chewies and bibs..

I also saw some super cute appliqued hooded towels that I'd like to test out... I'd really like to have some items that are geared towards Moms.

So here is my question to you.. What items would YOU like to see?? Contact me through the contact us tab and let me know and get a coupon for 15% off of a purchase and get the item you suggest for FREE if I choose to debut it!

Can't get much better than that!

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.Can I saw how excited I am to have an actual website?! I'm hoping that the website streamlines things and makes ordering and showing off items easier!

Even though it is still a work in progress, I've put about 12 hours into this site to get it functional! You can officially order through the website by going to the shopping page and specifying what products you want and in what fabrics.

All the fabric choices have a code under them to use in the order form so I know exactly which fabric choices you want.

I'm extremely excited about the new online ordering and I hope this will make the ordering process more streamline and effective, not to mention FASTER!

I'm hoping to use this blog to show off new products, test out new ideas and to throw some sales and giveaways out for any faithful readers! Keep an eye out for freebies and thank YOU for helping to make Cutie Chewies a success!