Laying here thinking before I doze off for an hour before my son wakes up and I'm wondering.. What do your kids like to travel with? I've been getting tons of new ideas lately and I'm trying to figure out which ones to turn into products and which ones aren't really worth it.

I know my daughter always has a sippy and some sort of snack with her in the car, and on longer trips she loves to color with her color wonder markers.  I'm wondering what some older children like to do, since my daughter is only three.

Leave me a comment telling me what sorts of things you are having to haul with you in the car and what sorts of things you are always finding laying in the backseat :) Might be some coupons in it for you..

Just plugging along here. Working on orders and some new items to debut soon. My son and daughter have been sick so my mommy duties have had to go before my sewing but Friday and Saturday Grandma will have the kids and I'll be working my fingers raw and hope to get at least a few orders out by Monday!

As far as the new items I'll be debuting I have a question to ask (answer the question and post a comment with your email and receive a coupon good towards one of the new items when it is debuted!!: